Add a Proven and Results-Driven Small Business Strategist to Your Team

Would a facilitated leadership team check be helpful? As a business owner, would you appreciate an objective, experienced perspective? A trustworthy advisor you could think through your current challenge with?

If so, why not schedule an exploratory leadership call today? Although we are unable to accept any ongoing Business Strategy Engagements at this time, we are available for briefer engagements.

Some offerings our clients (both in the US and in Asia) have appreciated include:

Although all Small Business LIFT work is custom-tailored to each business client’s situation and priorities, the above is a sample of the work we have done for prior clients.

“Dave was excellent at facilitating and helping our executive team come together and see beyond the everyday struggles that we were facing as a growing company and get to the root of our issues. His poignant coaching is helping us position ourselves for future success.”